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302 Clinton Street

Oriskany, N.Y. 13424


Cell: 252-207-1894



Site Planning,

As a first step, one should consider the homesite as a guide to the design that will best suit that particular environ. Factors such as terrain, access, natural flora, sun and wind exposure are first considerations in planning a design, but overall site requirements should be kept in mind as well. Local municipal, county, state codes & ordinances will dictate the parameters of where, how and what you may build there. Property line setbacks, lot coverage, and septic design are just a few items that may be governed by various agencies and must be addressed early in the design process.


A rough sketch can be a good way to get things organized and start your project off right.

Preliminary Site Plan Sketch



A Site Plan can be an important part of the final construction document.

Site Plan for Construction Documents




Projects here and there